Mission Statement
- To provide the highest value in chronic pain relief through exceptional skill and the utmost respect in service.
- Never to waste any one's time or money.

in Catania, Sicily
To make good on that mission statement, I guarantee my work with the following: you don't have to pay me unless you feel significant, tangible improvements in your chronic pain situation.
Who else in this business offers that kind of guarantee?
My name is Daniel Carr, and I am a long time practitioner of Chinese Martial Arts, Hatha Yoga, Chinese and Thai bodywork, Muay Thai, and Vajrayana Buddhism. I have practiced Kung Fu and Tai Chi for over 30 years, so my hands have power, Ch'i, and finesse.
Martial Arts is where I began this journey, some 30 years ago. My Kung Fu and Tai Chi Sifu ("Father-Teacher") is Grand Master Wong Jack Man, a world renowned Kung Fu legend. I am one of two students he has issued an "Instructor Sash" to in the last 20 years of his teaching. I have taught Martial Arts for close to 20 years and have a rigorous daily practice that keeps my ch'i at a very high level. This is a critical factor in achieving a superior result with chronic pain bodywork.
LA Kung Fu

I have certification from a number of famous massage schools in Thailand and had an opportunity to train with and see the best teachers from each of these schools perform various styles of Thai Massage.
I am certified by the Thailand Government to teach Thai Massage and am authorized to issue official diplomas signed by the Thailand Ministry of Education.
My ongoing teacher/"Ajahn" in Thai Massage, Yong Kiat, is a Blind Master who resides in Bangkok and whose style is unique to the blind therapists of Bangkok (yes, one should never be satisfied with one's current level of expertise and should continue to strive for better results through continuing education). He is the founder of the Blind Thai Massage Association. Yong Kiat is one of the premiere Thai Massage therapists in Bangkok...but don't believe me, decide for yourself. I have been authorized by Yong Kiat to teach this Blind Thai Massage tradition in America, a style that no one else is authorized to teach.
Blind Thai Massage Association

Yong Kiat is a disciple of and was an instructor for another master, the late Ajahn Pisit. Ajahn Pisit trained the blind in Bangkok for decades, and I was lucky enough to train extensively at his school. Ajahn Pisit was a legend in Thailand in Thai Massage and regularly demonstrated techniques on Thai TV to a national audience. He called Yong Kiat to his bedside just before he died and gave him some final instructions on how best to carry on his tradtion.
Ajahn Pisit
My repertoire of Thai Massage techniques includes the deepest of deep tissue work, leading to numerous stretches that open the body from every angle. Though my preference is to do chronic pain work, I can also use Thai Massage to do an overall tonification of the body that will completely rejuvenate the body's energy system. For more information on my technical background, see the "In-Depth" page.
In-Depth Page
I have studied both Hatha Yoga and Vajrayana Buddhism extensively in India. The Hatha Yoga was directly with Shaivite Sadhus in Varanasi who are experts in the field of injury rehabilitation and digestive practices. The Vajrayana programs in India that I have attended include a two week initiation hosted by the Dalai Lama in Amarvati where a number of subjects relating to advanced meditation practice were discussed. If humanly possible, I attend any public teachings of the Dalai Lama and consider him to be the most accomplished meditation Master and human being alive.

the blind in Bangkok.
In related fields of expertise, I was contacted by the American Cancer Society to design and implement a Chi Kung rehabilitation program for cancer survivors. I asked a physician I had worked with in giving a Yoga seminar to the UCLA Neuropsychiatric Institute Residents if he would be interested in joining me in implementing the Chi Kung rehabilitation program for the cancer survivors. He did, and the program was an overwhelming success.
Letters Of Recommendation
The physician who helped me to implement that program recruited me to the West Los Angeles Veterans Administration to work there. My job was to design and implement an Eastern Mind Training program for Veterans with PTSD and Substance Abuse issues. The Mind program at the Veterans Administration was considered groundbreaking and extremely effective by a staff of mental professionals at the VA.
Letters Of Recommendation
Once at the Veterans Administration, I was recruited by their Chronic Pain Management department to construct a Tai Chi program specifically for alleviating chronic pain in the Veteran populaiton. Again, the program was successful in helping the Veterans achieve lasting health results.
Letters Of Recommendation
I graduated from UC Berkeley and, as you might guess, am not concerned about any one's status in society. I treat everyone equally, whether or not celebrity, professional athlete, multi-millionaire, etc...and I have treated all of the above. My mission is to remove pain from anyone who walks through the door as if it were me who is suffering. Having had a bad case of sciatica previously, I thought that the happy part of my life was over. I treat everyone with the same sense of concern and urgency that I had hoped for when going through that dark period.